3-Dimensional Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Aberdeen Central High School
Academia Sinica
Addenbrookes Hospital
Adelaide Woman`s & Children`s Hospital
Adelphi University
ADINA R & D, Inc
Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc.
Advanced Data Processing Research Institute
Advanced Network and Services
Advanced Research Computing
Aeolus Research, Inc
Agency for New Energy and the Atmosphere
AGL Resources
Agnes Scott College
Agouron Institute
Agriculture Canada
Agr Research Center, Beltsville
Aileron Therapeutics, Inc
Airborne Hydro Mapping
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Air Force Weapons Lab
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
A.J. Drexel Institute of Basic & Applied Protein Science
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical Univ
Alabama State University
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Albany State University
Albert Einstein Institution
Albert Einstein School of Medicine
Albright College
Alcoa Technical Center
Alcorn State University
Alexander Central High School
Alexandria University
Alfred University, All Campuses
Alfred Wegener Institute
Alice Lloyd College
Allderdice High School
Allegheny College
Allegheny Conference on Community Dev
Allegheny General Hospital
Allegheny-Singer Research Institute
Allegheny University of the Health Sci.
Allen Institute for Brain Science
Allied Signal
ALL-Union Scientific Research
Altamont High School
Alton High School
American Cancer Society
American Chemical Society
American College of Radiologists
American Cynanmid Co
American Heart Association
AmericanMuseum of Natural History
American Physical Society
American Propulsion Inst
American University
Ames laboratory
Amherst College
Amylin Pharmaceuticals
Anderson Cancer Center
Anderson University
Anna University, Chennai
Anoka High School
Anselmo-Merna High School
ANSYS CFX Canada Ltd.
ANSYS Germany GmbH
Ansys Inc
APOCom Inc,.
Apollo-Ridge High School
Appalachian State University
Apple Inc
Applied Computational Technologies, LLC
Applied Parallel Research, Inc.
Applied Research Corp
Aquinas High School
Argiope Technical Solutions
Argonne Natl Lab
Arizona State University Main
Arkansas State University, All Campuses
Armstrong Atlantic State University
Armstrong High School
Army Research Office
Artic Region Supercomputing Center
Asahi Chemical Ind.
Asbury College
Asea Brown Boveri
Associated Univ, Inc
Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy
Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
Atlamont Elementary Sch
Atmospheric & Oceanic Science Program
Atomic Weapons Establishment
Atrio, Inc
A.T. Still University
AT&T Foundation
Auburn City School District
Auburn University, All Campuses
Auckland Univ
Augustana College
Augusta State University
Augusta University
Austin Peay State University
Australian Genomic Information Centre
Australian National Data Service
Australian Natl Univ
Australia Telescope National Facility
Autilles High School
Auto Desk
Autodesk, Inc.
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Aventis Pasteur
Averett College
Aware, Inc
Azimuth, Inc.
Babcock & Wilcox
Baldwin High School
Baldwin-Whitehall High School
Ball State University
Baltimore City College High School
Barack Obama Academy of International Studies
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Bar, Ilan Univ
Barnard College
Bartol Research Foundation
Bassin d`Essaid des Carenes
Bates College
Baton Rouge Community College
Battelle Memorial Inst
Battelle Memorial Institute
Battelle Pacific Northwest Lab
Battelle Seminars and Studies Program
Bay Area Research Corporation
Bayer Corporation
Baylor College of Medicine
Baylor School
Baylor SchoolUniversity of Goettingen
Baylor University
BBN Advanced Computers, Inc
Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope
Bell Advanced Communications Inc
Bell Laboratories
Belmont University
Benedictine College
Benet Weapons Laboratory
Ben-Gurion Univ of the Neger
Benson High School
Bentley University
Berea College
Berean Academy
Bergen Center for Computational Science
Berry College
Bethel Park High School
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Bethune Cookman College
Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory
Bielefeld University
Bilkent University
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Binghamton University
BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals
Biosym Corp
BioTeam, Inc.
Biotia, Inc
Bishop McCort Catholic High School
Bishop O`Dawd High School
Black Hawk College, All Campuses
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska
Bob Jones High School
Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharm., Inc.
Boeing Computer Services
Boise State University
Bold High School
Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc
Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc.
Boston Childrens Hospital
Boston Childrens Hospital
Boston College
Boston Medical Center
Boston University
Botia, Inc
Bottenfield Elementary
Bowdoin College
Bowie State University
Bowling Green State Univ, All Campuses
Bowman Gray School of Medicine
Bradley University
Brandeis University
Brazil Oil Co.
Brazil South America
Brentwood Academy
Brentwood High School
Brigham and Womens Hospital
Brigham Young University, All Campuses
British Petroleum
Broad Institute
Brock University
Bronx High School of Science
Brookdale University
Brookhaven National Lab
Brooklyn Veterans Admin, Medical Center
Brown University
Bryn Mawr College
B.T. Washington School
Bucknell University
Bunker Hill Community College
Bureau of Meteorology-Regional Off N.S.W
Burgettstown Area School District
Burklund Engineering and Design
Burnham Institute
Burroughs Welcome Fund
Business & Technology Systems, Inc
Butler University
Cabrini College
Calgon Corporation
California Academy of Sciences
California Air Resource Board
California Baptist University
California Institute of Technology
California Inst of Biological Research
California Inst of Energy Efficiency
California Medical Innovations Institute
California National University
California Polytechnic-San Luis Obispo
California State Polytechnic University
California State Polytechnic U-San Luis
California State University-Bakersfield
California State University-Chico
California State University-Dominguez Hi
California State University-Fresno
California State University-Fullerton
California State University-Hayward
California State University-Long Beach
California State University-Los Angeles
California State University, Monterey Bay
California State University-Northridge
California State University-Sacramento
California State University-San Bernardi
California State University: San Marcos
California State University-Stanislaus
California State University System Offic
Calsoft Inc.
Calspan Buffalo Research Center
Calvin College
Cambridge Power Computing
Cambridge Univ
Cameron University
Campus de Montegancedo
Cancer Research UK
Candor High School
Capital University
Cardiff University
Carleton College
Carleton University
Carlos III University
Carlow College
Carmi-White County High School
Carnegie Inst of Washington
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Observatories
Carnegie Science Center
Carrie Busey School
Carthage College
Case Western Reserve University
Cathedral Preparatory School
Catholic University
Catholic University of America
Cedar Crest College
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Celera Diagnostics
cenderawasih university
Cen for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Interactio
Centenary College of Louisiana
Centennial High School
Center for Advanced Food Technology
Center for Advanced Research in Biology
Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology
Center for Catalytic Science & Tech
Center for Iron and Stonemaking Research
Center for Medicine and the Microbiome
Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Center for Scientific Computing
Center of Logistics and Expertsystems
Centers for Disease Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CENTRA - Instituto Superior Técnico
Central High School
Central Michigan University
Central State University
Central Virginia Governor`s School
Central Washington University
Centre College
Centre de Calcul
Centre de Recherche en Calcul Applique
Centre Natl Univ Sud de Calcul
Centric Engineering Systems, Inc.
Centro Technico Informatico
Ceta-Ciemat - Centro Extremeo de Tecnologas Avanzadas
CFD Research Corporation
CFL Software Limited
Chalmers University of Technology
Chambers Development Corp
Champaign School District 4
Chapman University
Charles Draper Laboratory
Charleston Jr. High
Charlotte Country Day School
Chartiers Valley High School
Chatham College
Chelsea High School
Chemical Industry Inst of Toxicology
Chestnut Hill College
Chevron Oil Field Research Co
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Chicago Area Transportation Study
Child Mind Institute
Children`s Hospital of Philadelphia
Children`s Hospital of Pittsburgh
China Jiliang University
China University of Petroleum
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chiron Co.
Chiron Technologies
Chosun University
Christian Heritage
Chungbuk National University
Chuo Ku
CIBA-GEIGY Corporation
Cidade Universitria Zeferino Vaz
CIMNE International
cincinnati childrens hospital medical center
Cisco Federal Systems Division
City College of New York
City College of San Francisco
City Colleges of Chicago, All Campuses
City of Hope
City Polytechnic of Hong Kong
City University of Hong Kong
City University of New York
Ciudad Universitaria
Claremont Graduate School
Claremont Graduate University
Claremont High School
Claremont McKenna College
Clarion University
Clark Atlanta University
Clark Atlanta University
Clarkson University
Clark State Community College
Clark University
Clayton State University
Clear Lake High School
Clemson University
Cleveland Chiropractic College
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland State University
Clifton, Fine Central School
Clinton Health Access Initiative
CLRC Daresbury Laboratory
Cluster File Systems, Inc
CMS Consulting, Inc.
Coastal Carolina University
Coastal Plain Experiment Station
Colby College
Cold Spring Harbor Labs
Colgate University
College of Art & Sciences
College of Charleston
College of Lake County
College of New Jersey
College of New Rochelle
College of the Holy Cross
College of William and Mary, All Campuse
College of Wooster
Colorado College
Colorado River Intertribal Fish Comm
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Columbia College SC
Columbia Elementary
Columbia University in the City of New Y
Columbia Univ, System
Columbus College
Columbus State University
Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc.
Community College of Allegheny County
Compaq Computer Corporation
Complex Biological Systems Alliance
Computational Hybrid Soft Materials Laboratory
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
Computational Mechanics Corp.
Computational Science & Engineering
Computational Science Research Center
Computation Institute
Computer Sciences Corporation
Computervision R&D Pvt. Ltd.
Computing Devices
Concordia University
Concurrent Technologies Corporation
Consegna Pharma Inc
Consejo Superior De Invest. Scientificas
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Consortium for Scientific Computing Inc
Consortium for Supercomputer Research
Consortium for Technology Transfer
Continuum, Inc
Contra Costa College
Coon Rapids High School
Cooper Hospital
Cooper Union College
Copenhagen University Observatory
Copernicus Astronomical Center
Coppin State College
Cornell Theory Center
Cornell University, All Campuses
Cornell University Medical Campus
Corning, Inc.
Corning-Painted Post East High School
Cortland High School
Cottey College
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Council for Tobacco Research
Courant Institute
Cowden-Herrick High School
C-PP West High School
Cray Computer Corp
Cray Inc.
Cray Research, Inc
Cray Research, Japan Ltd
Creative and Performing Arts HS/PPS
Creative Research Enterprises
Creighton University
Crescent Counties Foundation for Med Car
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
Ctr for Molecular Electronics & Pho.
Cumberland High School
Cunningham Children`s Home
CUNY Bernard M Baruch College
CUNY Brooklyn College
CUNY City College
CUNY College of Staten Island
CUNY Herbert H Lehman College
CUNY Hunter College
CUNY Queens College
CUNY Staten Island
Curtiss-Wright Corporation
Cycle Computing
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Daewoo Motor Company
Dakota State University
Dalhousie Univ
Danforth Plant Science Center
Daniel J. Gross High School
Danish Meteorological Institute
Darmstadt University of Technology
Dartmouth College
DataDirect Networks
David Sarnoff Research Center
Davidson College
DC Expositions, Inc
Deafness Research Foundation
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Advanced Rsch Projects Agency
Dekalb College
Delaware Valley College
Delft University of Technology
Dell Inc
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Denison University
Departament d Economia i d Historia Economica
Departamento de Fisica
Department of Education
Department of Environmental Protection
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Transportation
De Paul University
DePauw University
Dept of Air Force
Dept of Commerce
Dept of Defense
Dept of Energy
Dept of Housing & Urban Development
Dept of the Army
Dept of the Navy
D. E. Shaw Research
DESY (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron)
Dickinson College
Dieterich Unit 30 Schools
Digital Equipment Corp
Dillard University
Distributed and Data Intensive Computing
Distributed Computing Group
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Dorr-Oliver Co
Drake University
Dresden University of Technology
Drexel University
Dr. Howard School
Dryden High School
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
Duke University
Dupont Co
Duquesne University
Durham University
Dyna East Corp
Dynamix Technologies
EAFIT University
Earlham College
Earth Simulator Center
East Aurora Free School District
East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control
East Carolina University
East China Normal University
Eastern Connecticut State Univ
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Mediterranean Univ
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Virginia Medical School
East High School
East Tennessee State University
East Texas State University
Eckerd College
Ecole des Mines de Nantes
Ecole des Ponts et Chausses
Ecole Normale Supérieeure
Ecole Polytechnic de Montreal
Ecole Polytechnique Federal - Lausanne
Economics Research Center
ECSS Affiliate
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Edison Middle School
Edison Senior High School
Educ. Service Center #15
Effingham High School
Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule
Eindhoven University of Technology
Eisenhower Med Research Ed Center
Electric Power Research Inst
Electronic Data Systems
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Elegant Mathematics Inc
Eli Lilly & Co
Elizabeth City State Univ
Ellis School, The
Elmira City School
Elmira Free Academy
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emmerich Manuel High School
Emory University
Endicott High School
Energy and Water Research Center
Environmental Protection Agency
Environment Canada
Erie Community College City Campus
Erlangen University
ETH Zurich
Etnus LLC
European Bioinformatics Inst.,
European Molecular Biology Lab
European Organization for Nuclear Research
European Space Rsch & Tech Ctr (ESTEC)
Evans City Elementary School
Evanston Township High School
EverGreene Technology Park, Inc.
Evergreen State College
Ewha Woman`s University
exeResearch LLC
Expert Data Labs, LLC
Exxon Production Research
Eye & Ear Institute of Pittsburgh
FAA The Center of Excellence
Facultad De Ciencias
Facultes Uiversitaires ND de la Paix
Failure Analysis Associates
Fairchild Robotics
Fairfield High School
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Fallsburgh High School
Fannidel High School
F.A.U. University
Fayetteville State University
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Energy Technology Center
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
FederalReserve Bank of Philadelphia
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Federal University of Rio Gande do Sul
Federal University of Sao Carlos
Fermi Natl Accelerator Lab
Fisk University
Fitchburg State University
Floral Park Memorial High School
Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University
Florida A & M University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University
Florida Southern College
Florida Space Grant Consortium
Florida State University
Flow Science, Inc
Fluent, Inc.
Fluid Dynamics International Inc.
FMC Corp
Fond du Lac Tribal College
Food and Drug Adminstration
Ford Foundation
Fordham University
Ford Motor Company
Forschungszentrum Juelich
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Fort Hay State University
Fort Knox High School
Fort Lewis College
Fox Chapel High School
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Francis Marion University
Franklin and Marshall College
Franklin Middle School
Franklin Regional High School
Frazier School District
Frederick Cancer Research Center
Frederick National Laboratory
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Free Univ of Berlin
Fritz Haber Research Center
Frostburg State University
Fund Science
GAI Consultants, Inc
Gallaudet University
Gannon University
Garden City Public Schools
Gas Research Institute
Gateway Senior High School
Gaussian, Inc.
GE Aircraft Engines
General Dynamics Western
General Electric Co
General Motors Research
General Science Corporation
General Sciences Corporation
Geneseo High School
Genetics Inc.
Geneva College
Genex Technologies
Genex Technologies
GenMatrix Inc
Genome Therapeutics Corporation
Gensia Pharmaceutical
Geological Survey
Geophysical Fluids Dynamics Institute
George Mason University
Georgetown University
George Washington University
George Westinghouse High School
Georgia College and State University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Institute of Technology, All Cam
Georgian Court College
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University
Germantown Academy
Gettysburg College
Ghent University
Gipitronix Pvt Ltd
GlaxoSmithKline R&D
Glenbrook North High School
Glenview School District
GMI Engineering and Management Institute
GNS Science
Goethe University Frankfurt
Golden Gains Inc.
Goldman, Sachs and Co
Gonzaga College High School
Good Samaritan Regional Med Center
Governors State University
Grand Canyon University
Grand Valley State University
Grand View College
Grant High School
Great Neck North High School
Great Plains Network
Greene County Department of Economic Development
Greenfield Central High School
Green Mountain High School
Greenwood Genetic Center
Grid Technology Research Center
Griffith University
Grinnell College
Groton Central School
Grove City College
GSI Gesellschaft Schwerionenforschung
Guiderland High School, Albany
Guiderland High School, Guiderland Ctr
Hamilton College
Hamline University
Hampton High School
Hampton University
Hannam University
Harding University High School
Hartford Graduate Center
Harvard Medical School
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Harvey Mudd College
Haskins Laboratories
Hastings College
Hastings High School
Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Inst.
Haverford College
Heartland Community College
Hebrew Univ
Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
Helmholtz Institute for Infection Research
Hempfield Area School District
Henry Ford Hospital
Heriot-Watt Univ
Heritage School
Hewlett-Packard Company
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Highland Community College
Highland High School
Highlands High School
Highlands High School
High - Performance Computing Center
High Performance Technologies, Inc.
High Point University
High Point University
Highview Alternative
Hinsdale Central School
Hirschi High School
Hitachi, Ltd.
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Hoffman-LaRoche Inc
Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc
Hofstra University
Holland Computing Center
Holy Cross School
Hong Kong University of Science & Tech
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Technology
Hood College
Hoover Institute
Hope College
Horseheads Central High School
Hospital for Special Surgery
Houghton College
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Howard University
HPC Support Group
HPCX Consortium
Hudson High School
Hudson Valley Community College
Hudson Valley Community College
Hugo Americas
Human Genome Sciences, Inc.
Humboldt State University
Hungarian Academy of Science
Hunter College of the City University of New York
Hunter High School
Huntington Ingalls
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Huygens ING
HYD Corporation
Hyundai Electronics
Ibaraki University
Ibn Tofail University
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
ICMA - Air Force Grant
Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho State University
IEEE Computer Society
Ifakara health Institute
Illinois Central College
Illinois College
Illinois Eastern Cmty Col Lincoln Trail
Illinois Eastern Communit
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Math and Science Academy
Illinois State Geological Survey
Illinois State Museum
Illinois State Natural History Survey
Illinois State University
Illinois State Water Survey
Illinois Valley Community College
Ill Sci & Tech Center for Superconduct
IM Flash Technologies
Immune Tolerance Network
Immunetrics, Inc.
Imperial College
Imperial College of Science tech & Med
Imsl Inc
Indiana State University
Indiana University, All Campuses
Indiana University of PA, All Campuses
Indiana University-Purdue Univ at Indian
Indiana Wesleyan University
Indian Creek Local School District
Indian Institute of Science
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Individual Award/Unaffiliated
Informatika ITB
Information Systems Support
Ingomar Middle School
Innovation Works
Insitute for Medical Optics
Institut d Astrophysique
Institute for Advanced Study
Institute for Cancer Research
Institute for Defense analyses
Institute for Defense Analysis
Institute for Disease Modeling
Institute for Math Applications
Institute for Medical Research
Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona
Institute for Scientific Research
Institute for Scientific Research Inc
Institute for Scientific Research, Inc.
Institute for Transcriptional Informatics
Institute fur molekulare Biotechnologie
Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Institute of Computer Science
Institute of Computing Technology
Institute of Global Environment and Society
Institute of Marine and Coastal Science
Institute of Mathematics, Statistics, and Scientific Compu
Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN
Institute of Ocean Sciences
Institute of Paper Science and Tech
Institute of Paper Science and Technolog
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Institute of Structural Biology
Institute of Technical Physics
Institut fuer Medizinische Optik
Institut Laue-Langevin
Instituto Balseiro and Centro Atomico Bariloche
Instituto de Qumica - Universidade de So Paulo
Instituto Mediterraneo de Estudios Avanzados IMEDEA
Instituto Nacional Saude Ricardo JORGE
Instituto Tecnologico DeMonterrey
Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios
Institut Pasteur
Inst Tecnol y de Estudios Superiores
Integrated Genetics, Inc.
intellectual venture laboratory: IDM
Intellectual Ventures
Intelligent Insect Control
Intelligent Light, Inc.
Interactive Supercomputing
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
International Computer Science Institute
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
International School for Advanced Studies
International University Bremen
Internet 2
Inter-University Accelerator Center (IUAC)
Intevep S.A. Los Teques, Edo. Miranda
Intralox Incorporated
Invisible Software, Inc.
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
Iowa City High School
Iowa State University
iPlant Collaborative
Isis Pharmaceuticals
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center
Ithaca City School District
Ithaca College
Ithaca High School
Jackson State University
Jacksonville University
Jamaica High School
James Cook University
James H. Cummings Foundation
James Logan High School
James M. Bennett Sr. High School
James M Wilkerson, Attorney at Law
Jamestown Community College
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Javeriana University
J Craig Venter Institute
Jefferson Lab
Jefferson Middle School-Champaign
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JNL Scientific
John Adams High School
John Carroll University
John Jay College - CUNY
John Radcliff Hospital
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson City Senior High School
Johnson C. Smith University
Johnson High School
John von Neumann Natl Supercomputer Ctr
John Wayne Cancer Institute
Joint Institute for Conputational Sciences
Joint Research and Development
J. Oliver Johnson High School
Juelich Supercomputing Centre
Julich Research Centre
Juniata College
Kalamazoo College
Kansas Geological Survey
Kansas State University
Kansas University
Karanth Genomics LLC
Karl-Franzens University Graz
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Karolinska Inst and Center for Biotech
Karolinska Institute
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Kato Bio Norum
Keck Graduate Institute
Keene State College
Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics
Kennesaw State University
Kensington High School
Kent State University, All Campuses
Kentucky State University
Kenwood Elementary School
Kenyon College
Ketcham High School
Kettering College Medical Arts
Kettering Unversity
KFA Research Center
Khon Kaen University
Kimmel Cancer Center
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
King School
Kings College London
KISTI Supercomputing Center
Kitware Corporation
Kitware Inc
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
Knowledge Systems
Knox College
Koc University
Kogakuin University
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Korea Economic Research Institute
Korean Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
Kraft, Inc
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Kuck & Associates, Inc. An Intel Company
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Kyoto Univ
Kyrensky Institute of Physics
Lab. de Chimie Biophysique, ISIS
Laboratoire de Dynamique Moleculaire
Lafayette College
La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation
La Jolla Institute
Lake Forest College
Lake Shore High School
Lake Washington High School
Lakota Public School
Lamar University-Beaumont
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY
Lamont-Doherty Geological
Lancaster University
Langston University
Lansing High School
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Corporation
La Salle University
Lateef Academy
Laval Univ
Lawrence Berkeley Lab
Lawrence Livermore Lab
Lawrence University
Leal School
Lee`s Summit High School
Lehigh University
Lehmann Center
Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics
Leiden Univ
Le Moyne College
Lerna Elementary School
Lester Ingber Research
Lewis & Clark College
Lexicon Genetics Incorporated
Life Technologies
Lincoln Land Community College
Lincoln Southeast High school
Lincoln University
Lindsley F. Kimball Research Inst
Linkoping University
Linus Pauling Inst for Science & Med
Litchville Public Schools
Little Wound School
Livermore Software Technology Corporation
Livingstone College
Lock Haven University
Lockheed Corporation
Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co.
Lockheed Idaho Techonlogies Co
Lombardi Cancer Center
London School of Economics
Long Island Jewish Hospital
Long Island University, All Campuses
Los Alamos Natl Lab
Loughborough University
Louisiana Optical Network Initiative
Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts
Louisiana State Univ, All Campuses
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola College
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University in New Orleans
Loyola University of Chicago
LPS-Ecole Normale Superieure
Lumeta Corporation
Lunar & Planetary Inst
Lund University
Luther College
Macalester College
Magee Women`s Hospital
Magee Women`s Research Institute
MAHA: Management and Administration of Health Activities
Maine Dept of Transportation
Maison de la Simulation
Malaria Consortium
Mallett Technologies
Management Science Associates
Manchester University
Manhattan College
Mankato State Univ
Mansfield Univ
Manta Ray Media
Marc Analysis Research, Corp.
Marconi Services
Marian College
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
Marlboro Central High School
Marmion Academy
Marmion Academy
Marquette University
Marshall University
Maryland Technology Corp
Marymount University
Mary Washington College
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Massachusetts Corp for Education
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Maui High Performance Computing Center
Max-Planck Institute f. med. Forschung
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Max-Planck Institute Fuer Gravitationsph
Max-Planck Institute fuer Radiaastronomie
Max-Planck Institut fuer Astronomie
Maxwell Technologies
Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
Mayo Foundation
Mayo Graduate School of Medicine
Mayo High School
Mayo Medical School
McGehe Consulting
McGill Univ
McGraw Central School
MCI Telecommunications Corp
McMaster Univ
McNeese State University
Medgar Evers College Prepatory High School
Medical College of Georgia
Medical College of Ohio
Medical College of Pennsylvania & Hahnem
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical Foundation of Buffalo
Medical Research Council of Canada
Medical Research Inst. of Chem Defense
Medical University of south Carolina
Medtronic, Inc.
Meharry Medical College
Memorial University
Memphis State Univ
Mendon High School
Mercedes Benz
Mercy High School
Mercyhurst College
Meredith College
Merit Networking Inc.
Merrimack College
Mesa State College
Messiah College
Metalworking Technology, Inc
Met. and Geo. Agency-Indonesia
Metro ECSU
MetroLite Studios
Metropolitan State College of Denver
Miami University, All Campuses
Michellin Americas Research Corp
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
Middlebury College
Middle Tennessee State University
Midwestern State University
Miles Inc.
Miller, Anderson and Scherred
Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Millikin University
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Mineral Management Service
Mine Safety Appliances Company
Minneaolis South
Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center
Minnesota Supercomputer Center
Minnetonka Middle School
Minot State University
Mississippi State University
Mississippi Valley State University
Missouri University of Science & Technology
Mitre Corp
MJB Consulting Office
Molecular Biology Institution
Molecular Research Inst
Molecular Simulations
Moline High School
Monadnock Regional High Schl
Monash University
Monash University
Monell Chemical Senses Center
Monmouth College
Monsanto Company
Montana State University
Montana Tech
Montclair State University
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Montgomery Blair High School
Montgomery College, All Campuses
Monticello High School
Montpellier 2 University
Montreal Neurological Institute
Moon Area High School
Moraine Valley Community College
Morehead State University
Morehouse College
Morgan State University
Morgantown Energy Technology Center
Morris Brown College
Motorola Labs
Moulton Jr. High School
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Lebanon High School
Mount Mercy College
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Mount Union College
Mount Vernon Senior High School
MPI fuer Plasmaphysik
Mt Stromlo Observatory
Muhlenberg College
Mulberry Grove Elementary School
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Musculoskeletal Research Center
Mutual of Omaha
MW Financial Services
Myer Research Center
NAES College
Nagoya Univ
NanoLambda, Inc.
Nanyang Technological Institute
Napier Univercity
NASA Ames Research Center
NASA Glenn Research Center
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA Langley Research Center
NASA Lewis Research Center
Nashua High School South
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Archives
National Cancer Institution
National Center for Envir. Prediction
National Center for High Performance
National Center for Toxicological Resear
National Centre for Scientific Research
National Chemical Laboratory
National Energy Res Supercomputer Cen
National Energy Technology Laboratory
National Energy Technology Laboratory
National Heart, Lung, & Blood Inst
National Hellenic Research Foundation
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration
National Human Genome Center
National Institute for Computational Sciences
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Tecy
National Institute of Aerospace
National Institute of Drug Abuse
National Institute of General Med Sci
National institute of malaria research
National Institutes of Health
National Institution of M.C. Research
National Inst of Environmental Health Sc
National Laboratory for Cientific
National Library of Medicine
National Optical Astronomy Observatory
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
National Renewable Energy Lab
National Research Council
National Science Foundation
National Space Science & Technology Center
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
National Technical University of Athens
National Technical Univ of Ukraina
National Tsing Hua University
National University
National University of Ireland
National University of Mexico
National Weather Service
Nationwide Insurance
Nationwide Mutual
Natl Astronomy & Ionosphere Center
Natl Biomedical Research Fdn
Natl Bureau Economic Research
Natl Bureau of Standards
Natl Center For Atmospheric Research
Natl Center for Supercomputing App
Natl Council of Canada
Nat`l Environ Supercomputing Cen
Natl Geodetic Survey
Natl Institute of Standards & Technology
Natl Institute of Statistical Sciences
Natl Inst of Health, Natl Cancer Inst
Natl Inst of Mental Health, Lib of Med
Natl Library of Medicine
Natl Meteorological Center
Natl Oceanic Atmos Admin
Natl Ocean Systems Center
Natl Opinion Research Center
Natl Optical Astronomy Observatory
Natl Physics Lab, England
Natl Radio Astonomy Obs, Green Bank
Natl Radio Astronomy Obs
Natl Research Council of Canada
Natl Science Foundation
Natl Tsing Husa Univ
Natl Univ of Singapore
Navajo Technical College
Naval Aircraft Development Center
Naval Nuclear Laboratory
Naval Oceanographic Office
Naval Postgraduate School
Naval Research Lab
Naval Sea Systems Command GHR
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Naval Underwater Sound Center
NAVO Major Shared Resource Center
NCEER Nat`l Cntr for Earthquake Eng Res
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
Netherlands eScience Center
Network Systems Corp
Newcastle University
New College of Florida
New England Biolabs
Newfield Central
New Hanover High School
New Jersey Dept of Environmental Protect
New Jersey Institute Technology
New Mexico Consortium
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Techn
New Mexico State Univ
New Mexico State University, All Campuse
Newton High School
New Trier High School
New York Genome Center
New York Institute of Technology, Main C
New York State Agric Expt Station
New York State Dept of Health
New York State Urban Development Corp
New York University
NICHD Cen Res Moth & Chil-Gen & Ter Br
Nicholas Copernicus University
Niigata University
NiOptics Corporation
NIT Data Communications Systems Corp
Niwot High School
NJ Agricultural Experiment Station
NOAA/Forecast Systems Laboratory
Norfolk State University
Normal Community High School
Norman High School
North Allegheny High School
North Carolina Agricultural & Tech State
North Carolina A&T State University
North Carolina Biotechnology Center
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
North Carolina School of Sci and Math
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
North Carolina State Center
North Carolina State University at Ralei
North Carolina Supercomputer Center
North Dakota State University, All Campu
Northeastern University
Northeast Missouri State University
Northern Arizona University
Northern Illinois University
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Virginia Community College
North Georgia College & State University
North Park College and Theological Semin
Northrop Grumman Corporation
North Rose Wolcott High School
Northwestern Univ
Northwest Florida Water Mgt District
Northwest Missouri State University
Northwest Research Associates
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Not Found in NSF Affiliations Table
Nova Southeastern University
Novell Networks
NSF Network Service Center (NNSC)
Nuclear Regulatory Agency
Numerical Algorithms Group
Nuttall Middle School
Nvidia Corporation
Nyack High School
NY Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Res Uni
NY State Science & Technology Foundation
Oak Grove R-6 Schools
Oakland Catholic High School
Oakland CUSD #5
Oakland University
Oak Park and River Forest High School
Oak Ridge Natl Lab
Oberlin College
Observatoire Cote d`Azur
Observatorio Nacional
Occidental College
O`Donnell Consulting Engineers
Odyssey Center for Learning
Office of Naval Research
Ohio Board of Regents
Ohio State University, All Campuses
Ohio Supercomputer Center
Ohio University, All Campuses
Oklahoma Baptist University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma Medical Research Fdn
Oklahoma School of Science and Math
Oklahoma State University, All Campuses
Old Dominion University
Olivet Nazarene University
Omaha North High
Onondaga Community College
Optimal Flame
Orchard Park High School
Oregon Episcopal School
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & T
Oregon Health Sciences University
Oregon State University
Orem High School
Organic Chemical Dynamics
Osaka University
Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center
Our Lady of Mercy High School
Our Lady of Sacred Heart HS
Oxford Univ
Pace University, All Campuses
Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pacific-Sierra Research Corp
Pacific States University
Pacific Univ
Packard Foundation
PACYBER Charter School
PA Dept of Education
Paint Branch High School
Palestine High School
Pana High School
Pandora Gilboa High School
ParaTools, Inc.
Paris High School
Parke-Davis Pharm.
Parkland College
Pasadena City College
PA School Boards Assoc
Patch American High School
Patrick Country High School
Pedagogical University of Krakow
Pembroke State University
Penn Hills High School
Penns Valley High School
Pennsylvania Governors School for the Sciences
Pennsylvania State University, All Campuses
Pennsylvania State University, Erie Campus
Peoples Energy Analytics
Performance Jones L.L.C.
Perimeter Institute
Perry High School
Perry Traditional Academy
Peters Township High School
Petroleum Research Fund
Pfizer, Inc
Philadelphia College of Textiles and Sci
Philadelphia University
Philippine Systems Products Inc.
Philipps Universitaet Marburg
Philips Laboratories
Philips Respironics
Phillips Petroleum
Pincess Anne Hospital
Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
Pittsburgh Community Television
Pittsburgh NMR Institute
Pittsburgh Paint and Glass, Inc.
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Pitzer College
Platform Computing Corporation
Plextronics, Inc.
Plum Senior High School
Plymouth State College
PNC Financial Corporation
Pocahontas School
Point Park University
Polish Academy of Sciences
Politecnico di Milano
Polytechnic University
Pomona College
Ponce Health Sciences University
Ponce School of Medicine;
Pontifical Catholic Univ
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Portland State University
Possaic Valley High School
Potomac State College of West Virginia U
Poughkeepsie High School
Poznan University of Technology
Pradeep K Gupta, Inc
Prairie School
Prairie View A&M University
Pramod Inc.
Pratt & Whitney
Praxis Biologics
Predictive Science Inc
Presbyterian College
Presbyterian - Univ Hospital
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Princeton University
Proctor and Gamble Co
Profile High School
Profit Point Inc.
Providence Day School
Pune University
Purdue Univ
Purdue University, All Campuses
Q-Chem, Inc.
Quadrics Ltd
Quality Engineering & Software Technologies
Quantum Chemistry Laboratory
Queen Mary Univ. of London
Queensborough Community College
Queensland University of Technology
Queens Univ, Canada
Queens University Belfast
Quest Integrated
QuetzalBiomedical Inc
Quincy University
Radboud University Nijmegen
Radford University
Ralston High School
Ramgen Power Systems
Ramstein American High School
Rand Corporation
Reaction Engineering International
Red Hill High School
Reed College
Regional Research Institute
Regis University
REM Engineering Services
Renaissance Computing Institute
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Research Corporation
Research Institute of Scripps Clinic
Research Triangle Institute
Resource 2000, Inc.
R Farlow Consulting L.L.C.
Rhodes College
Rice University
Richard Stockton College
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Richland Community College
Rider University
RIKEN Institute
Ringling College of Art and Design
Ripon College
Riverdale High School
Riverside High school
Riverside University High School
RJ LeeGroup, Inc.
Roanoke Valley Governor`s School
Roberson Center
Robert A. Welch Foundation
Robert H Kraichnan, Inc
Robert Morris University
Robert Wood Johnson Hospital
Robeson Elementary School
Robinson High School
Robinson High School
Robotics & Machine Intelligence Group
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rockefeller University
Rockwood High School
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Roswell Park Memorial Institute
Rowan University
Royal Institute of Technology
RTI International, Inc
Ruakura Agricultural Centre
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
Rush-Presbyterian St Lukes Med Center
Rush University
Russian Academy of Sciences
Rust College
Rutgers the State Univ of NJ, All Campus
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Saarland University
Sacred Heart University
Saigon Institute for Computational Science and Technology
Saint Francis Xavier Univ
Saint Louis College of Pharmacy
Saint Martins University
Saint Mary`s University
Saint Peter`s College
Saint Peter`s College
Salk Institute
Salve Regina University
Sam Houston State University
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Sandia Laboratory
Sandia National Laboratories
San Diego State University
San Diego Supercomputer Center
Sandoz Research Institute
Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
San Francisco State University
San Francisco State University
San Jose State University
Sankt-Petersburg State University
Santa Clara University
Santa Fe Indian School
Sanwa Financial Products Co
Sardar Patel University
Saudi Arabian Oil Company
Savannah State College
Schalmont High School
Schering-Plough Research Institute
Schlumberger Lab for Computer Sci
School of Dreams Academy
Schrodinger, Inc.
SciberQuest, Inc.
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Science Applications International Corp
ScienceApplications International Corporation
Science University of Tokyo
Scientific Computing Associates, Inc.
Scientific Research Associates, Inc.
Scintillon Institute
Sci Tac LLC
Scripps Clinic & Research Fdn
Scripps College
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Seattle Biomedical Research Inst
Seattle Childrens Research Institute
Seattle University
Seconda Universita di Napoli
Secretaría de Salud México
Sejong University
Semiconductor Research Corp
Seneca Valley High School
Sensory Syst Res in Undergrad Inst
Seoul American High School
Seoul National Univ
Seoul National University
Separation Design Group LLC
Service de Physique Theorique
Seton Hall University
Seton Hill University
Sewickley Academy
S Fl Water Man Dis-Everglades Sys Res Di
Shadyside Hospital
Shakopee High School
Sharif University
Sheffield Univ
Shell Oil Company
Sheridan School, District 87
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Sidney High School
Siena College
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Simmons College
Simon Fraser Univ
Simon Fraser University
Simply Sparse(R) Technologies
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
Skidmore College
Skyline High School
Slippery Rock University
Sloan Kettering Canc Research
Smith College
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
Smithsburg High school
Smithsonian, Astrophys Obs
Smithsonian Environmental Research Cente
Snail Biosciences
Snow College
SOAFD Marine Laboratory
Softberry, inc.
Solibyte Solutions
Sonoma State University
Soreq Nuclear Research Center
South Carolina Governors School for Science and Mathematics
South Carolina State University
South Coast Air Quality
South Dakota School of Mines & Technolog
South Dakota State University
Southeastern Universities Research Association
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Arkansas University
Southern College of Optemetry
Southern College of Seventh-Day Adventis
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsv
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Southern Methodist University
Southern University A&M Col, All Campuse
Southern University at New Orleans
South Fayette High School
South Seneca Central School
South Side Elementary School
Southwest Baptist University
Southwestern Medical Center
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern PA Industrial Res Cen
Southwestern University
Southwest Fisheries Center
Southwest Foundation for Biomd. Res.
Southwest Indian Polytech Institute
Southwest Research Inst
Southwest Texas State University
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
Space Telescope Science Inst
Spelman College
Spencer-Van Etten Jr/Sr High School
SpiralGen Inc
Springville High School
SRI International
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India
Sri Sathya Sai University
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Stanford University
Stark County Local Schools
State Education Dept
State of CA, Dept of Water Resources
State of Connecticut Dept. of Education
State of Nebraska
State of Nevada
State of OH - Edison Polymer Inn Corp
State of Pennsylvania
State University of Campinas
State University of New York
St Bonaventure University
Sterling Winthrop, Inc.
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevenson University
STFC Daresbury Laboratory
St. Gregorys University
St. John Fisher College
St. John Lutheran School
St. John`s University
St. Joseph Grade School
St. Josephs University
St Jude Children`s Research Hospital
St. Jude Children`s Research Hospital
St Lawrence University
St. Louis Park Junior High
St Louis University, All Campuses
St. Luke`s-Roosevelt Hospital Center
St Mary`s College of California
St. Mary`s High School
Stockholm University
Stony Brook University
St.Paul Central High School
St. Pius X
Strathclyde Univ
Stuyvesant High School
St. Vincent College
Suffolk University
Sumitomo Chemical Company Limited
Summit Country Day School
SUNY at Albany
SUNY at Alfred
SUNY at Binghamton
SUNY at Buffalo, All Campuses
SUNY at Stony Brook, All Campuses
Suny at Utica
SUNY College at Brockport
SUNY College at Buffalo
SUNY College at Cortland
SUNY College at Geneseo
SUNY College at New Paltz
SUNY College at Oneonta
SUNY College at Oswego
SUNY College at Plattsburgh
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
SUNY College of Agriculture & Tech Morri
SUNY college of Environmental S. & F.
SUNY Downstate Med. Ctr.,
SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn
SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse
SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Ro
SUNY Polytechnic Institute
SUNY Purchase College
SUNY Stony Brook, Main Campus
SUNY Training Center
Supercomputer Center/SERI
Supercomputing Research Center
Supertek Computers, Inc
SurfPlasma, Inc.
Susquehanna University
Sverdrup Technology, Inc.
Swansea University
Swarthmore College
Swedish Medical Research Council
Sweet Briar College
Swinburne Univ of Technology
Swiss Federal Technical University
Swiss Finance Institute
Swiss Inst for Alterns to Animal Testing
Swiss Scientific Computing Center(CSCS)
Swiss TPH
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Sydney University
Syracuse University, All Campuses
Systems Engineering Research Institute
Tamagawa University
Targacept, Inc
Tarleton State University
Tarpon Srings High School
Tartan Laboratories, Inc
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Technical Education Research Center
Technical University
Technical University of Brno
Technical University of Budapest
Technical University of Denmark
Technical University of Milan
Technical Univ of Munich
Technical Univ of Todz
Technion-Israel Institute for Technology
Technion-Israel Institute for Technology
Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt
Technische Universitaet IImenau
Technische Universitat Munchen
Technologico De Mexicali
Tech-X Corporation
Tel Aviv University
Telectronics Pty. Ltd
Telenet Communication Corp
Temple City High School
Temple University
Tennessee State University
Tennessee State University
Tennessee Technological University
Terra Computers
Terre Haute South High School
Teutopolis Elementary School
Teutopolis High School
Texas Advanced Computing Center
Texas Advanced Research Projects Ag
Texas A & I Univ
Texas A&M International University
Texas A&M University, All Campuses
Texas Christian University
Texas Coordinating Board
Texas Governor`s Energy Office
Texas Instruments
Texas Southern University
Texas State Technical College
Texas State University
Texas Tech University
Texas Wesleyan University
The Aerospace Corporation
The Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation
The Boeing Company
The Catlin Gabel School
The CBR Institute for Biomedical Research
The Center for Functional Neuroimaging Technologies
The Chicago Medical School
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Citadel
The Franklin Institute
The HDF Group
The Hong Kong Polytehnic University
The Jackson Laboratories
The National Academies
The Natural History Museum, London
The Neurosciences Institute
The New York Blood Center
Theoretical Astrophysics Center
The Portland Group
The Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital
The Scripps Research Institute
The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.
The Univeristy Electro-communications
The University of Edinburgh
The Univsersity of Edinburgh
The Valspar Corporation
Thinking Machines Corp
Thomas Jefferson HS for Sci and Tech
Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory
Thomas Jefferson University
Thomas Paine School
Tianjin University
Tidewater Data Analytics
Tilburg University
TJ Watson Research Center, IBM Corp
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tolleson Union High School
Tompkins-Cortland Community College
Torres de Mixcoac
Touchstone Research Laboratory, Ltd
Tougaloo College
Towson University
Toyama University
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Transarc Corporation
Translational Genomics Research Institute
Transylvania University
Trenton State College
Trent Univ
Triangle U Center Advanced Studies
Triangle Univs Comput Center
Trieste Univ
Trine University
Trinity College
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity University
Triton College
Tropical Pesticides research institute
Truman High School
Trumansburg High School
Truman State University
Tsinghua University
Tsukuba University
TU Budapest
TU Darmstadt
Tufts University
Tulane University
Turbo Energy Factors
Turing School
Turning Technologies
Tuskegee University
tzu-chun kuo
UES Inc.
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Ultra Network Technologies
Unatego Middle School
Uniformed Services Univ of Health Sci
Uni Melb
Union Carbide Corp
Union College
Union-Endicott High School
Uni Research Ltd
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
United Nations
United States Military Academy
Unity High School
Univa Corporation
Univ College Dublin
Univ College London Medical School
Univ de Sherbrooke
Univerisity of the Virgin Islands
Univerisity of the Virgin Islands
Univeristat Rovira i Virgili
Univeristy of Utah
Universal Oil Products
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Almeria
Universidad de Extremadura
Universidad Del Este
Universidad de los Andes
Universidad del Valle
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
Universidad de Medellin
Universidad De Oriente
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Universidad EAFIT
Universidade do Algarve
Universidade do Minho
Universidade Estadual Paulista
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Universidade Federal do Cearea
Universidade Federal do Parana
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Universidad Metropolation
Universidad Metropolitana Cupey Campus
Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Universidad Simon Bolivar
Universita bi Roma
Universita degli Studi di Siena
Università della Campania
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Universita di Padova
Universitaet Augsburg
Universitaet Bonn
Universitaet Karlsruhe
Universitaet Mainz
Universitaet Wein
Universitaet Wien
Universitaire de Beaulieu (Irisa Campus)
Universitaire de Geneve
Universitat Bern
Universitat Bielefeld
Universitat de Barcelona
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Universitat Tubingen, Morgenstelleao
Universite Catholique de Louvain
Université de Montréal
Universite Paris-Sud XI
Universities Space Research Assoc
University Basel
University College London
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
University de Cantabria
University de Provence CNRS
University Gdansk
University High School
University La Spienza Rome
University Malaysia Sarawak
University of Adelaide
University of AK Anchorage, All Campuses
University of AK Fairbanks, All Campuses
University of Akron, All Campuses
University of Alabama
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Alabama in Huntsville
University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Arkansas, Main Campus
University of Athens
University of Bergen
University of Bielefeld
University of Bradford
University of Brasilia
University of Bridgeport
University of British Columbia
University of Buffalo
University of Calgary
University of Calgary
University of California-Berkeley
University of California-Davis
University of California-Irvine
University of California-Los Angeles
University of California, Merced
University of California Office of Presi
University of California-Riverside
University of California-San Diego
University of California-San Francisco
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz
University of Campinas
University of Canterbury
University of Cape Town
University of Central Florida
university of chicago
University of Chicago
University of Chicago - Computation Institute
University of Chile
University of Cincinnati, All Campuses
University of Colorado, All Campuses
University of Connecticut, All Campuses
University of Connecticut Health Center
University of Copenhagen
University of Crete
University of Dayton
University of Debrecen
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
University of Florence
University of Florida
University of Frankfurt
University of Geneva
University of Georgia
University of Glasgow
University of Graz
University of Greifswald
University of Guelph
University of Hamburg
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Hawaii, Honolulu
University of Hawaii System Office
University of Heidelberg
University of Helsinki
University of Houston
University of Houston-Clear Lake
University of Houston-Downtown
University of Houston System Administrat
University of Hyderabad
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Springfield
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai
University of Indianapolis
University of Iowa
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Kansas, All Campuses
University of Kentucky, All Campuses
University of LAquila
University of Lausanne
University of Leeds
University of Liege
University of London
University of London
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Manitoba
University of Mannheim
University of Maryland
University of Maryland at Baltimore
University of Maryland at College Park
University of Maryland Baltimore County
University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Maryland School of Medicine
University of Mary Washington
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts at Worcester
University of Massachusetts Boston
University of Massachusetts Lowell
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
University of Memphis
University of Miami
University of Michigan, All Campuses
University of Minnesota, All Campuses
University of Mississippi, All Campuses
University of Missouri, Columbia
University of Missouri, Kansas City
University of Missouri, Rolla
University of Missouri, St Louis
University of Montana
University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska Central Admin Sys
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of Nevada-Las Vegas
University of Nevada-Reno
University of Newcastle
University of New England
University of New Hampshire
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico
University of New Mexico, All Campuses
University of New Orleans
University of North Carolina at Ashevill
University of North Carolina at Chapel H
University of North Carolina at Charlott
University of North Carolina at Greensbo
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
University of North Carolina General Adm
University of North Carolina Greensboro
University of North Carolina Wilmington
University of North Dakota, All Campuses
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Iowa
University of North Georgia
University of North TX
University of Notre Dame
University of Nottingham
University of Oklahoma, All Campuses
University of Oregon
University of Otago
University of Ottawa
University of Oxford
University of Padua
University of Parma
University of Patras
University of Pennsylvania
University of Perugia
University of Pisa
University of Pittsburgh, All Campuses
University of Portland
University of PR Humacao University Coll
University of PR Mayaguez Campus
University of PR Rio Piedras Campus
University of Puerto Rico
University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
University of Puget Sound
University of Queensland
University of Rhode Island
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of Rome
University of San Francisco
University of Sao Paulo
University of Scranton
University of Sherbrooke
University of Siegen
university of siena italy
University of South Alabama
University of Southampton
University of South Australia
University of South Carolina, All Campus
University of Southern California
University of Southern Maine
University of Southern Mississippi
University of South Florida
University of Southwestern Louisiana
University of St. Thomas
University of Stuttgart
University of Szeged
University of Tampa
University of Tartu
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
University of Tennessee, at Martin
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
University of Tennessee Memphis
University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge
University of Tennessee Univ-Wide Adm Ce
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Dallas
University of Texas at El Paso
University of Texas at Permian Basin
University of Texas at San Antonio
University of Texas at Southwestern
University of Texas at Tyler
University of Texas, Brownsville
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
University of Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston
University of Texas M.D. Anderson C.C.
University of Texas Medical School
University of Texas - Pan American
University of the District of Columbia
University of the Pacific
University of the Philippines
University of the Phillippines
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
University of Toledo
University of Trento
University of Trieste
University of Tsukuba
University of Tuebingen
University of Tulsa
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
University of Virginia, All Campuses
University of Virginia, Clinch Valley Co
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
University of Warsaw
University of Washington
University of Westminster
University of Westminster
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin-Superior
University of Wisconsin System Office
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
University of Wollongong
University of Wyoming
University of Zeurich
University of Zululand
University of Zurich
University Osnabruck
University Pompeu Fabra
University Sternwarte Munich
Univerta di Bologna
Univerwsity of New South Wales
Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Univ Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Univ of Alabama, System
Univ of Alberta
Univ of Amsterdam
Univ of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Univ of Bristol
Univ of British Columbia
Univ of Calgary
Univ of Cardiff
Univ of Cologne
Univ of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Univ of Colorado, Denver
Univ of Edinburgh
Univ of Essen
Univ of Fribourg
Univ of Guanajuato
Univ of Hawaii, Hilo
Univ of Helsinki
Univ of Illinois, Rockford Sch
Univ of Jyvaskyla
Univ of Karachi
Univ of Kiel
Univ of Kuopio
Univ of Leiden
Univ of Liverpool
Univ of Louisiana, Lafayette
Univ of Maine, System
Univ of Manchester
Univ of Marbur
Univ of Massachusetts at Boston
Univ of Melbourne
Univ of Minnesota, Duluth
Univ of Montreal
Univ of Naples
Univ of New Brunswick, Canada
Univ of New Hampshire, System
Univ of New South Wales
Univ of Osaka Prefecture
Univ of Oslo
Univ of Paris
Univ of Phoenix
Univ of Pittsburgh, Greensburg
Univ of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Univ of Queensland
Univ of San Diego
Univ of Scranton
Univ of South Dakota
Univ of Southwestern Louisiana
Univ of Sussex
Univ of Sydney
Univ of Tokyo
Univ of Toronto
Univ of Trento
Univ of Trondheim
Univ of Utrecht
Univ of Valencia
Univ of Vienna
Univ of Waterloo
Univ of Windsor, Ontario
Univ of Wuppertal
Unknown Institution
UOP Research Center
Upham Public School
Upper Darby High School
Upper St. Clair High School
Uppsala University
Upsilon Pi Epsilon Computing Honor Society
Urbana High School
Urbana Middle School
Urban Institute
Ursinus College
US Air Force Academy
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Aviation and Missle Command
U.S. Army CERL
U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers
US Army Electronics Tech and Devices
US Army Engineer & So FL Water Man Dis
US Army Med Res & Dev Command
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
US Bureau of Mines
U.S. Bureau of the Census
USDA, Southern Regional Research Center
US Dept of Agriculture
US Dept of the Interior
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
US Food and Drug Administration
US Geological Survey
U.S. Naval Academy
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
US Salinity Lab
US Steel Technical Center
Utah State University
Utah Valley University
Utica College
Valley City State University
Valpariso University
VA Medical Center
Van Andel Research Institute
Vanderbilt University
Varian Associates
Vassar College
Vast Power Systems, Inc.
Vector-borne Disease Control Program
Venezuelan Center of Scientific Invts.
Veridian Systems
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Vertum Partners
Vestal High School
Vestergaard Frandsen
Veterans Administration
Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing
Vienna University of Technology
Village of Rantoul
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Virginia Tech-Wake Forest
VorCat, INC
Vrije Universiteit
VT-WFU Center for Injury Biomechanics
Wabash College
Wadsworth Center
Wadsworth Cntr and Schl of Pub Health
Wageningen University
Wagner College
Wake Forest Baptist Health
Wake Forest University
Walla Walla College
Walton High School
Warren County Community College
Warsaw University
Wartburg College
Washburn College
Washington and Jefferson College
Washington and Lee University
Washington School
Washington State Transportation Center
Washington State University
Washington University
Washington University in St. Louis
Waterloo Maple Software
Wayne City High School
Waynesburg College
Wayne State University
Weill Cornell Medical College
Weizmann Institute of Science
Wellcome Sanger Institute
Wellesley College
Wesleyan University
West Bend Mallard High School
West Chester University
Western Carolina University
Western Connecticut State Univ
Western Environmental Technology Office
Western Geophysical
Western Illinois University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University
Western New England University
Western University
Western Washington University
West Georgia College
Westinghouse Electric
Westinghouse Management Services, Inc
Westminster College
Westminster College of Salt Lake City
Westmont College
West Penn Hospital-CMU Joint Laboratory
Westview School
West Virginia Institute of Technology
West Virginia State College
West Virginia University
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Wheeling Jesuit College
Whitaker Foundation
Whitehead Inst for Biomedical Research
Whitehead Medical Research Institute
Whitesboro High School
Whitman College
Wichita State University
Widener University
Wikki Ltd.
Wiley College
Wiley School-Urbana
Wilkes University
William C. Overfelt High School
William Henry Harrison High School
William Marsh Rice College
William Paterson College
William Rainey Harper College
Williams College
Williamsville North High School
Willits High School
Winston-Salem State University
Winthrop University
Wistar Institute
WK Kellog Foundation
W. M. Keck Observatory
Wofford College
Woodland High School
Woodland Hills High School
Woodlands High School
Woodlnad Hills High School
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Worcester foundation for Biomedical Res.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
World Bank
WorldCom, Inc
World Health Organization
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Wright State University, All Campuses
WVU Research Corp
Wyeth-AAyerst Res.
Xavier University of Louisiana
Xerox of Canada
Xylum Corporation
Yale New Haven Hospital
Yale University
Yankee Ridge Elementary
Yeshiva University
Yonsei University
Yonsei University
York College of Pennsylvania
York University
Youngstown State University
Zhejiang University
ZIB (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer....)
Ziply, Inc
Zone Software Consulting
Zymera. Inc